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Australia Day Flag Planting 2024
Courtesy of the Castlebrook Memorial Park Australia Day Flag planting ceremony.
Australia Day Flag Planting 2022
Annual Flag Planting Ceremonies: Australia Day 2018
On Australia Day 2018, the sub-Branch held it's 9th annual flag planting ceremonies at the Castle Hill Cemetery and Castlebrook Memorial Park. A big thank you to all those who attended and assisted with these events.
Courtesy of the Castlebrook Memorial Park Australia Day Flag planting ceremony.
Annual Flag Planting Ceremonies: Australia Day 2018

Annual Flag Planting Ceremonies: Australia Day 2017
On Australia Day 2017, the sub-Branch held it's 8th annual flag planting ceremonies at the Castle Hill Cemetery and Castlebrook Memorial Park. A big thank you to all those who attended and assisted with these events.
Courtesy of the Castlebrook Memorial Park Australia Day Flag planting ceremony.
Annual Flag Planting Ceremonies: Australia Day 2017
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